Chunk 43: Insurrection inception.
Imagine it’s your anniversary, so you and your partner decide to splurge and head out to a fancy restaurant for dinner. But, during the main course, he/she suddenly has an allergic reaction to the overpriced shellfish, goes into anaphylactic shock and dies.
It’s an absolute tragedy.
A week later comes the funeral, and everyone is in tears. And then comes the wake, and everyone is in shock. Why? Because you have chosen to have it at the very restaurant where your partner died just a week earlier. Yes, that restaurant.
Bad taste?
How would you describe it?
Because, next week, this is essentially the same scenario that will play out in Washington DC.
Inside the US Capital building, they’re going to hold the second impeachment trial for Donald Trump for inciting a riot inside the US Capital building. (Yes, you read that correctly.)
They’ll be looking for justice for five people who died in the very location where they died.
I mean, it’s almost Inception, isn’t it? The whole situation would be farcical if it weren’t so deadly serious.
That Trump is guilty is beyond doubt. Sure, he mightn’t have directly told the horse to drink once he led it to water, but he sure gave a good account of how refreshing it would be.
“You’ll never take back our country with weakness,” he told his MAGA mob just an hour before they made their march.
But sadly, what looks equally as certain is that Trump will get off. Some of the very Republicans that came out against him immediately after the attack are beginning to get wobbly, more concerned with their own future’s than their country’s.
Then there’s the whole debate about whether this impeachment is even constitutional. How can you vote to remove a president from office who is no longer even in office? they ask.
Simple. To prevent him from ever being able to hold any type of office ever again, and to remind a nation built on laws that actions have consequences.
Tragically, there have been two further consequences in the few days that followed the siege, with two capital hill police officers taking their own lives.
Someone has to be brave enough to stand up and say enough is enough, don’t they?