Chunk 29: Kanye. The breakdown.
With exactly three weeks until the US presidential election, Kanye West’s favourite rapper, Kanye West, has finally released his first campaign ad.
Now, as I explained waaay back in Chunk 5, he has absolutely no chance of winning, and given Joe Biden’s lead in the polls, any of the black vote that West might siphon away is unlikely to do the Democrats any harm.
Still, Kanye is offering himself as a legitimate contender, asking people to write his name in on the ballot in states where he has failed to qualify. Let’s start by taking a look at his ad and we can break it down from there.
Well, okey-dokey then … it’s pretty obvious that Kanye isn’t courting the white atheist vote. I think some of those visual bear a closer inspection.
Now personally, I find this giant head in front of the ominous waving flag all a bit too Leni Riefenstahl “Triumph of the Will” for my taste. But hey, if Nazi-inspired propaganda floats your boat, here’s your candidate.
Kanye - and this is no joke - notoriously detests the colour blue, which might explain the state of his swimming pool. I mean, would you dive into that thing? Look at all the crap floating around at the bottom! Has the guy never heard of a Kreepy Krauly?
Apparently, the popular thing to do in America now is sit around with friends and quote passages from the Good Book. I must have missed that episode of “Keeping Up With The Kardashians”. Given everyone here is ignoring social distancing and none are wearing masks, there may be some more bible readings in their near future.
Ah, now this, this one I recognise: it’s the Death Star floating above the forest moon of Endor in Episode VI: Return of the Jedi. Negotiating the rights from Disney to use this footage would have cost Kanye somewhere in the vicinity of $65 million.
This man is a hydroponic dope farmer in one of the 19 American states where growing it is legal (coincidentally, also the states you’ll find most Kanye West voters). Judging by the look of the man - and I’m almost certain it’s Mick Fleetwood of Fleetwood Mac fame - I’m going to hazard a guess and say this was shot in Nevada.
I must admit that this one initially threw me a bit. At first I thought, “Surely Kim Kardashian doesn’t wash her own dishes? That’s Chloe’s job!” But then I found this …
See? The first image can’t be of Kim washing up, because she only has these weird sinks in her house. In fact, she even made a video about it. If you only have 3 minutes and 19 seconds left to live, you can watch it here:
I have absolutely no idea what this is supposed to represent, and frankly, I’m pretty sure nor does Kanye, but …
… it kind of reminds me of the end of “The Dark Night Rises” where Batman has to fly the atomic bomb out over the water to rescue the citizens of Gotham. Perhaps that’s what Mr West was going for?
Finally, there’s no doubting who the ad is for, is for, is for. Would it make me change my vote? No. But then, what would I know - I just paid a small fortune for a pair of Yeezy designed trainers.
Good luck to him.